May 13-18, 2012
Governor’s Hurricane Conference
Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Cost and Registration: $195, open until filled

This conference will provide hurricane-focused emergency management training for businesses, elected officials, and the media. Topics include disaster frontline supervision, shelter management training, elevation certificate reviews, postdisaster redevelopment planning, social media for emergency managers, and issues in higher education emergency management.

May 14-16, 2012
Effective Risk Communication: Theory, Tools, and Practical Skills for Communicating about Risk
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, Massachusetts
Cost and Registration: $1,595 before May 7, open until filled

This program will present new research and international case studies on risk perception and communication. Attendees will learn about decision science methods for developing and evaluating risk communication strategies, the importance of trust in risk communication, and lessons from the media.

May 15-17, 2012
Cross Border Workshop
Pacific Northwest Border Health Alliance
Tacoma, Washington
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled

This conference addresses emerging public health threats in the Pacific Northwest, including pandemic influenza, earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruption. Topics include health system challenges during a seismic event, federal medical resource support for a natural disaster, coordination of interstate healthcare volunteer responders, interstate medical surge planning, and post-seismic event health concerns.

May 20-25, 2012
ASFPM 36th Annual Conference: Mission Mitigation
The Association of State Floodplain Managers
San Antonio, Texas
Cost and Registration: $665 before May 4, open until filled

This conference will discuss new techniques, programs, and resources for flood mitigation and watershed management. Topics include climate variability, stormwater retention standards, flood warning system design, education and outreach strategies, flood frequency determinations, national coastal policy issues, and the integration of hazard mitigation into floodplain management strategies.

August 20-24, 2012
Australasian Natural Hazards Management Conference
Massey University Joint Centre for Disaster Research and GNS Science
Christchurch, New Zealand
Cost and Registration: $322 before June 4, open until filled

This conference will discuss how to apply new hazards research to emergency management planning processes. Topics include improving postdisaster response and recovery strategies, reducing risk through land use planning, and developing effective warning systems. Pre- and post-conference workshops in the following topics will also be available: emergency management planning for local governments, the role of gender in disasters, rapid evaluation of dangerous buildings, and children, families and disasters.

May 13-18, 2012
World Congress on Water, Climate, and Energy 2012
International Water Association
Dublin, Ireland
Cost and Registration: $1,187 before April 30, open until filled

This conference will look at technological, political, and economic challenges to creating resilient and sustainable cities. Topics include water resource management, sustainable drainage, water treatment, climate adaptation, wastewater utility improvements, integrated governance of water and energy, and the relationships between water, agriculture, and food supply. Workshops for forestry and young water professionals will also be available.