October 28-31, 2011
EMS Leadership Summit
International Association of Emergency Medical Services Chiefs
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: $495, open until filled

This annual conference for mid-level and senior leaders in emergency medical services will look at how elected officials view EMS and how EMS chiefs can improve interactions at the local, state, and federal levels. Topics include political engagement and advocacy, EMS networking, evolving ambulance standards, and federal EMS leadership.

October 31 to November 2, 2011
National Symposium on Homeland Security and Defense
National Homeland Defense Foundation
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $600, open until filled

This conference will allow senior homeland security professionals to share experiences, opinions, and expertise. Topics include private sector business opportunities in homeland security and defense, the effect of shifting borders on U.S. security and commerce, shared boundaries and challenges in the Arctic, and the evolving responsibilities of the U.S. Coast Guard.

November 11-17, 2011
IAEM Annual Conference
International Association of Emergency Managers
Las Vegas, Nevada
Cost and Registration: $595, open until filled

This conference discusses current trends in emergency management and homeland security. Topics include mutual aid agreements under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program, public engagement in emergency preparedness, the role of amateur radio in emergency management, and emergency sheltering for people with functional needs. Optional Emergency Management Accreditation Program training is available after the conference.

November 15-16, 2011
Public Health and Medical Disaster Response in Action: The Joplin Story
Center for Preparedness Education
Omaha, Nebraska
Registration: $150, closes November 8

This conference will highlight the stories and lessons learned by medical and public health personnel who responded to the catastrophic tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, earlier this year. Topics include long-term care, home healthcare, disaster medical assistance teams, and post-disaster safety in healthcare facilities.

November 16-17, 2011
Toronto Emergency Management Symposium
Toronto, Ontario
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled

This conference will look at strategies that enhance public-private partnerships in emergency management. Topics include emerging trends in responder interoperability, collaboration with first responders and other stakeholders, emergency management and the private sector in New York City, digital volunteer communities, and the evolving role of public-private relationships.

November 28-29, 2011
Dealing with Disasters
Northumbria University and others
Cardiff, Wales
Cost and Registration: $401, open until filled

This conference looks at past disasters to promote resilience and speed future response and recovery. Topics include transportation, industrial, and other man-made disasters; the impacts of disasters on travel and tourism; and the relationships between risk, vulnerability, poverty, and development.

November 28 to December 1, 2011
National Floodproofing Conference V
Association of State Floodplain Managers
Sacramento, California
Cost and Registration: $325 before October 17, open until filled

This conference will examine non-structural floodproofing techniques, materials, contractors, and funding strategies. Topics include nonstructural floodproofing policies, elevation and wet floodproofing, barriers and dry floodproofing, funding and financing, benefit-cost analysis, and impediments to floodproofing.