October 18-20, 2011
Ninth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology
American Meteorological Society
Palm Springs, California
Cost and Registration: $510, open until filled

This conference will discuss operational forecasting, modeling, climate, field studies, and improvements to fire danger and fire behavior systems. Topics include improving computational predictions of wind field, thermodynamic approaches to estimating smoke plume heights, addressing wildfire air quality impacts, and encouraging community wildfire awareness.

October 19-21, 2011
Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada
Cost and Registration: $555, open until filled

This conference will focus on community resilience in populated urban areas and First Nations communities. Topics include decision support for risk based planning, mobility in emergency evacuations, hazard vulnerability mapping, and public engagement strategies.

October 31 to November 2, 2011
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk
Beijing, China
Cost and Registration: $391, closes October 15

This conference will discuss characterizing risk, making decisions in complex and changing contexts, reducing risk, and minimizing losses. Topics include public trust in disaster risk management, reconstruction after Japan’s earthquake and tsunami, climate change and migration, and long- and short-range forecasting of volcanic eruptions.

November 2-4, 2011
Earthquake Insight Field Trip
U.S. Geological Survey
St. Louis, Missouri
Cost and Registration: $550, open until filled

This field trip will launch from the Lambert-St. Louis International airport, stopping at locations with earthquake significance in Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. Stops include historic structures damaged in the 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquakes and the 2008 Mt. Carmel, Illinois, earthquake. Earthquake research in progress and discussions of industries with concentrated exposure to earthquakes will also be included.

November 15-16, 2011
Public Health and Medical Disaster Response in Action
The Center for Preparedness Education
Omaha, Nebraska
Cost and Registration: $150, closes November 8

This conference will showcase the experiences and lessons learned by medical and public health personnel when a tornado hit Joplin, Missouri, this May. Session topics include emergency medical services response team experiences, impacts to Mercy St. John’s Hospital, security and safety at Freeman Health, and impacts to home health care agencies.

December 14-15, 2011
International Conference on Climate Change and Social Issues
Toulouse Business School and Institute of Human Development and Training
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Cost and Registration: $182, closes September 30

This conference will look at the social issues of climate change, including gender inequality, social justice, ethics, and human rights. Attendees will participate in group discussions, debate the global impacts of climate change, and form working groups to implement ongoing mitigation and adaptation strategies.