August 21-24, 2011
Conference on Coastal Engineering Practice
Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute
San Diego, California
Cost and Registration: $795 before August 2, open until filled

This conference will focus on solving coastal engineering problems and ensuring sustainable coastal development using case histories and current projects as examples. Topics include global warming and the acceleration of sea rise, coastal modeling, coastal structures and sustainability, and the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

August 21-27, 2011
World Water Week
Stockholm International Water Institute
Stockholm, Sweden
Cost and Registration: $1,103 before August 19, open until filled

This conference examines water issues from a variety of angles to develop a long-term understanding of water and development. This year’s focus will look at how water management and policies are responding to global changes. Topics include water and food security, gender in urban water and sanitation utilities, creating a water secure future, challenges in accessing drinking water, and water and climate.

August 30 to September 1, 2011
Technologies for Critical Incident Preparedness
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Defense, and U.S. Department of Justice
National Harbor, Maryland
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled

This event showcases technology that improves the ability to prepare for and respond to critical incidents, as well as providing those interested in critical incident response an opportunity to network and discuss their technology needs. Topics include geospatial technology in emergency response, first responder use of social media, federal resources for emergency response, and technological advances since September 11, 2001.

September 8, 2011
Risk Crisis Communications Seminar
Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health
Little Rock, Arkansas
Cost and Registration: $250, open until filled

The seminar is designed to help first responders, state and local agencies, and medical personnel effectively communicate emergency information to the public, as well as internally. Topics include new media strategies, best practices for communicating in high stress situations, perspectives on transparency, and case studies from real life crises.

September 19-21, 2011
Mountain Hazards 2011
United Nations Development Programme
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Cost and Registration: $260 before August 31, open until filled

This conference is part of an ongoing effort to collect data, build international cooperation, and develop future projects that address the increasing mountain hazards created by climate change. Topics will include Central Asia geohazards, climate risk management, international climate change collaboration, and natural hazard research.

October 3-9, 2011
Second World Landslide Forum
International Program on Landslides
Rome, Italy
Cost and Registration: $430, open until filled

This forum continues a conversation that started with the 2008 Landslide Forum in Tokoyo. Attendees will focus on how to better expand landslide research, technology, education, and decision making. Topics to be discussed include, landslides and global change, advancements in hazards and mapping assessments, and landslide awareness.