October 17-21, 2011
Virginia Hazardous Materials Conference and Expo
Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists and Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Hampton, Virginia
Cost and Registration: $140 before September 29, open until filled

This conference offers more than sixty workshops that teach participants about new products and technology for the hazardous materials industry. Topics include radiation detection, liquefied petroleum and propane gas emergencies, unified command, and “street smart” chemistry and hazardous materials.

October 22-26, 2011
The Fifth International Mine Rescue Conference and the Third International Forum on Workplace Emergency Management
National Center for International Cooperation in Work Safety
Beijing, China
Cost and Registration: $2,000, closes September 30

These concurrent conferences focus on policy discussions about accident prevention (hazardous chemical spill, large-scale power outages, and natural disasters) with an emphasis on mutual aid and coordination between countries, regions, and industries. Topics include mine rescue laws, emergency rescue equipment and technology, rescue case studies and analysis, and emergency management planning, drills, and simulations.

October 24-28, 2011
Open Science Conference: Climate Research in Service to Society
World Climate Research Programme
Denver, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $430, open until filled

This conference will assess knowledge of climate variability and identify urgent scientific issues and research challenges. Attendees will help develop the World Climate Research Programme’s international research agenda. Anticipated outcomes include measurable contributions to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

October 27-29
Wildland Fire Conference: Backyards and Beyond
National Fire Protection Association
Denver, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $275 until October 25, open until filled

This conference will examine fire hazards in the wildland-urban interface and lessons learned from the Firewise Program. Session topics include community planning, mechanical mitigation equipment, structure protection strategies, real-time mapping, and federal wildland and wildfire policy.

November 22-24, 2011
Sumatra Tsunami Disaster and Recovery 2011 and South China Sea Tsunami Workshop
Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center
Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Cost and Registration: $100, closes November 22

These workshops will present new research and practices in earthquake and tsunami disaster management. Topics include numerical simulations and tsunami models, risk mapping and evacuation routes, city planning and restoration after earthquakes and tsunamis, community-based disaster risk management, and disasters and food security.

January 17-19, 2012
International Disaster Conference
International Disaster Conference and Expo
New Orleans, Louisiana
Cost and Registration: $200 before November 17, open until filled

This conference presents public- and private-sector best practices in emergency management, homeland security, and disaster preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation. Session topics include business continuity planning, national security, global emergency preparedness, and private sector emergency management resources. Independent training courses in business continuity and emergency management will also be offered.