February 11-12, 2011
REDI V Conference
Rotarian Emergency Disaster Initiative
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Cost and Registration: $225 before December 31, open until filled

This conference will help nonprofit leaders and volunteers assess their community's ability to withstand disaster. Developed for Rotary Clubs following Hurricane Katrina, this year’s conference will feature a keynote speech by retired general Russel Honoré and sessions on creating emergency operation plans, evaluating resources and needs pre-disaster, and partnering with government and private organizations.

February 22-23, 2011
10th Annual Emergency Management Conference
Conferenz and New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
Wellington, New Zealand
Cost and Registration: $1,180, open until filled

This conference will look at disaster management through the lens of the Canterbury Earthquake that struck Christchurch in 2010. Themes will include communicating in disaster, developing successful emergency teams, national and local response, and multiagency coordination.

March 1-5, 2011
EMS Today
Journal of Emergency Medical Services
Baltimore, Maryland
Cost and Registration: $430 before February 4, open until filled

This conference will leverage JEMS’ leadership in prehospital care education to provide continuing education, industry discussion, and networking for emergency medical providers, firefighters, and other response personnel. The program is divided into advanced and basic life support, EMS leadership, and special focus tracks. In addition, exhibitors will be unveiling the latest in emergency equipment and attendees will have a chance to participate in emergency-themed games and contests.

March 21-24, 2011
Coastal GeoTools 2011
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Cost and Registration: $350 before January 31, closes February 22

This conference will further the creation of “Digital Coast,” a web platform that will provide geospatial data, tools, and training for coastal resource managers. Among topics to be addressed are GIS mapping of sea level rise, creating usable websites and toolkits for marine resources, sharing geospatial information via the Web, and using Google tools to display data.

April 4, 2011
Greenhouse 2011: The Science of Climate Change
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Queensland, Australia
Cost and Registration: $990 before January 21, open until filled

This conference will discuss climate change science, current issues and events, and possible adaptation strategies. Session topics include extreme events and community resilience, transferring science into policy, climate variability, and the impacts of adaptations.

April 10-15, 2011
34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
International Center for the Remote Sensing of Environment and others
Sydney, Australia
Cost and Registration: $759 before January 5, open until filled

This conference will examine the Global Earth Observation System of Systems and how it will open doors for operational environmental monitoring. Topics to be discussed include disaster reduction and response, monitoring and mitigation of urban environments and cultural heritage, societal benefits of earth observations, limited water resources, and forest and ecosystem diversity.