November 30 to December 2, 2010
Canada-United States Northern Oil and Gas Research Forum
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Calgary, Canada
Cost and Registration: $400

This conference will examine the direction of future oil and gas development in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas off the coast of Alaska, as well as its North Slope and Mackenzie Delta. Topics include arctic oil spill prevention and management, the impact of oil and gas on coastal habitats, and offshore platform safety.

December 1-3, 2010
Third Asian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and others
Bangkok, Thailand
Cost and Registration: $350, open until filled

This conference will address how building safer environments can reduce disaster risk, with the aim of promoting new ways of thinking about seismology, earthquake engineering, seismic risk, and disaster mitigation. Topics include enhancing community-based disaster risk reduction, promoting safe environments, and understanding and mitigating earthquake hazards.

December 5-8, 2010
30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis
Society for Risk Analysis
Salt Lake City, Utah
Cost and Registration: $490 before November 5, open until filled

This conference will discuss methods for effective risk analysis and the use of risk analysis in decision making. Session topics include trust and uncertainty in the theoretical constructs of risk, evolving risk communication technology, risk governance and climate change, and response to natural disaster.

December 6-10, 2010
Fifth Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management
Caribbean Disaster Management Agency
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Cost and Registration: $360, open until filled

This conference will examine Caribbean disaster issues, measure regional progress, and promote disaster management best practices. Session topics include disaster mitigation in engineering and geology, emergency response operations, and integrating climate change and disaster risk reduction into national planning.

December 13-16, 2010
Shared Strategies for Homeland Security
Denver Urban Area Security Initiative
Denver, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $350, open until filled

This conference addresses disaster preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery from multiple viewpoints. Topics include managing mass casualties, integrating citizens in preparedness and response, protecting infrastructure, and responding to hazardous materials.

December 13-17, 2010
Extreme Environmental Events
European Science Foundation
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Cost and Registration: $943 before November 30, register by September 28

This conference will assess current understanding of the frequency and magnitude of extreme environmental events, the uncertainty associated with such events, and how those uncertainties affect climate prediction. Conference sessions include statistical methodology, modeling extreme events, and the impact of extreme events on the environment.