August 23-27, 2010
Watershed Management Conference 2010
Environmental and Water Resources Institute
Madison, Wisconsin
Cost and Registration: $650 before July 26, open until filled

This conference will evaluate the design, operation, and regulation of water resource facilities and resource management practices. Approaches for managing water resources in the face of climate change and land use challenges will also be discussed. Conference topics include hydrologic measurements and modeling, adaptive water management, risk-based designs, and the use of regional climate change predictions.

September 1-4, 2010
Twelfth Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
European Geosciences Union
Corfu Island, Greece
Cost and Registration: $382 before July 15, open until filled

This conference will discuss Mediterranean storms and their societal impacts. Conference topics include climate-related changes in storm behavior, advanced storm forecasting techniques, and the socioeconomic implications of hazardous storms.

September 13-17, 2010
Storm Surges Conference 2010
GKSS Research Centre and Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone
Hamburg, Germany
Cost and Registration: $503, open until filled

This event will examine storm surge impacts and assess risk levels for and responses to changing conditions. Conference topics include what drives storm surges, storm surge scales, history and intercultural perception, dealing with uncertainty, and building with nature in mind.

September 21-23, 2010
International Conference on Emergency Preparedness
Aston Centre for Research into Safety and Security
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Cost and Registration: $441, open until filled

This conference will examine current research in and best practices for mass evacuations and emergency preparedness. Conference topics include preparing the public for emergencies, shelter management, and emergency preparedness computer models.

October 1-3, 2010
Second International Conference on Crisis Mapping
International Network of Crisis Mappers
Boston, Massachusetts
Cost and Registration: $100 before August 1, open until filled

This conference will examine the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, including the role of crisis mapping and humanitarian technology in response, lessons learned, and technological best practices. Session topics include map sourcing (including natural language processing, mobile phones, and satellite imagery), crisis response and evaluation, and future research and technology.

October 5-7, 2010
Wildland Fire Canada 2010
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Forest Service
Ontario, Canada
Cost and Registration: $200 before July 31, open until filled

This conference will address best practices, emerging issues, and new research in wildland fire management. Session topics include fuel and fire behavior, fire weather forecasting, building community and public engagement, and understanding risk and uncertainty.