October 13-14, 2009
Hazmat 2009
London, United Kingdom
Cost and Registration: $656, open until filled

This conference enhances knowledge, planning, and decision making in the face of complex hazardous material incidents. Emergency response trends and technologies will be covered.

October 13-15, 2009
Workshop on Levees
United States Society on Dams
Sacramento, California
Cost and Registration: $495 before October 2, open until filled

This workshop will discuss levee issues, including the complexities of problem identification and analysis, mitigation in design and construction, risk analysis, and certification. An exhibition and field tour of Sacramento levee projects will also be held.

October 26-28, 2009
2009 California Water Conference
The Society of American Military Engineers
Sacramento, California
Cost and Registration: $575 before September 30, open until filled

This year’s conference will address challenges and business opportunities arising from California’s complex water and flood risk management issues. Elected leaders, water agency officials, academics, and business leaders will speak.

October 28-29, 2009
Secure London 2009
Shephard, Valentis Bridge, and CMS Strategic
London, United Kingdom
Cost and Registration: $1,715, open until filled

This conference will examine infrastructure protection during man-made and natural disasters. Speakers trained to deal with disasters will present case studies from their organizations as examples of London’s resiliency solutions.

November 13-14, 2009
17th Arctic Conference
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research and University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, Colorado
Cost and Registration: $50, Open until filled

This conference is an informal gathering that allows archeologists, anthropologists, ecologists, and geologists to collaborate and share their findings on alpine and arctic research. A keynote address on arctic archeology, poster session, and facility tours are included. Student participants are encouraged to present their work.

November 15-18, 2009
Emergency Preparedness and Prevention and Hazmat Spills Conference
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III
Baltimore, Maryland
Cost and Registration: $200 before September 30, open until filled

This conference provides an opportunity to meet emergency management and prevention officials, attend training, and view exhibits. Sessions will cover a range of hazard-related education.

November 24-27, 2009
Sixth Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium
Canadian Risk and Hazards Network
Edmonton, Canada
Cost and Registration: Not posted

This symposium identifies lessons, systems, and modules that improve communication and broader collaboration on Canadian disaster resiliency efforts. Sessions include public awareness and web-based applications; interdisciplinary, interjurisdictional and intercultural dialogue; and emergency preparedness exercises in secondary schools.