June 12-14, 2009
Crisis Camp
BSA, Corner Alliance, Google
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: $100, closes June 13

This workshop will examine best practices for using social media in public health and crisis response, data aggregation during crisis, lessons learned from disasters such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, and other technology-driven crisis issues. The workshop is formatted in a barcamp style, which allows attendees to drive dialogue without a preset agenda.

June 21-24, 2009
2009 National Conference on Community Preparedness
International Association of Emergency Managers and the Department of Homeland Security
Alexandria, Virginia
Cost and Registration: $325 before June 15, open until filled

This conference will help create communities that are safer and better prepared for all hazards. Attendees will share best practices in emergency planning, discuss preparedness outreach and education, discover innovative funding approaches, and get updates on preparedness research.

June 23-25, 2009
Research and Innovation Conference 2009
National Science Foundation Civil Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation Division
Honolulu, Hawaii
Cost and Registration: $560, open until filled

This forum for research and education spans civil, mechanical, and industrial engineering; engineering design; and manufacturing. Sessions topics include creating resilient and sustainable infrastructures, Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulations (NEES) in a multi-hazard world, and emerging frontiers in earthquake engineering and multi-hazard experiments.

July 1-3, 2009
Third International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering
Wessex Institute of Technology
Rome, Italy
Cost and Registration: $1,930, open until filled

This conference focuses on recent developments in safety and security engineering theory and practice, with a special emphasis on multifactor risk impacts. Conference topics include crisis management, natural and manmade emergencies and hazards, risk management, and mitigation and protection issues.

July 8-9, 2009
2009 Regional Workshop
Pacific Public Health Training Center and California Centers for Public Health Preparedness
El Dorado Hills, California
Cost and Registration: $118, open until filled

Workshop topics include social determinants of health, GIS and health for improved emergency preparedness and response, and using science to prepare vulnerable populations.

July 9-14, 2009
Participatory Vulnerability and Risk Analysis Training
Development Associates
Jessore, Bangladesh
Cost and Registration: $400, open until filled

This training will analyze vulnerability and risk assessments so that disaster management programs can better develop and understand the relevance of disaster risk reduction. Course offerings include information on the impacts and consequences of disasters, the Hyogo Framework for Action, stakeholder participation, and disaster mitigation case studies.

July 10-13, 2009
Fifth International Symposium on Management, Engineering, and Informatics
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics and others
Orlando, Florida
Cost and Registration: $640, open until filled

This conference allows those in engineering, management, and informatics to share their research and experience and focus on building interdisciplinary relationships. Session topics include risk management, supply chain management, communications, and informatics.

July 13-15, 2009
International Disaster and Risk Conference
Global Risk Forum Davos
Chengdu, China
Cost and Registration: $550, Open until filled

This year’s conference will examine the Wenchuan earthquake as an entry into a larger conversation about capacity building in integrated disaster and risk management and sustainable development.