April 19-22, 2009
26th Annual National Flood Conference
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Boston, Massachusetts
Cost and Registration: $300 online/$375 by mail, open until filled

This conference provides education and training on the benefits of flood insurance, which gives the public protection against flood loss and minimizes the need for federal assistance. Rules, regulations, and issues will be discussed.

April 19-23, 2009
RIMS 2009
Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.
Orlando, Florida
Cost and Registration: $1,260 before March 20, open until filled

This conference will help strengthen business risk programs with sessions featuring more than 400 industry experts. Navigating today’s tough economy will be a special focus.

April 19-24, 2009
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009
European Geosciences Union
Vienna, Austria
Cost and Registration: $554 before March 31, open until filled

Geoscientists worldwide will meet to discuss their work in earth, planetary, and space sciences at this conference focused on geohazards, weather, and climate. Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfire, models of desertification and degradation, and damage control in forest landscapes will be discussed.

April 27-29, 2008
14th Annual Planning Forum
Emergency Preparedness for Industry and Commerce Council
Vancouver, Canada
Cost and Registration: $650, open until filled

This conference is a forum to share business continuity and emergency preparedness solutions and learn about topics such as crisis leadership, crisis response in the office, climate change, natural disasters, and pandemic planning.

April 29-30, 2009
CIWEM Annual Conference 2009
The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
London, England
Cost and Registration: $310, open until filled

This two-day conference addresses global water and environmental issues using a multidisciplinary approach. Sessions topics include flood vulnerability and resilience, water utility risk management, and holistic response strategies for climate change.

April 30, 2009
International Symposium on New Humanitarian Response to the Global Economic Crisis
Peacebuilding and Development Institute
Washington, D.C.
Cost and Registration: Not posted

This conference will examine potential impacts of the economic crisis on humanitarian programs with the aim of providing options for continued financial support.

May 4-6, 2009
2009 Spring Specialty Conference: Managing Water Resources and Development in a Changing World
American Water Resources Association
Anchorage, Alaska
Cost and Registration: $525, RSVP by April 13

This conference covers a wide range of climate change and water resource issues using engineering, management, policy, and scientific methods. Participants will learn how to manage water challenges such as flood and drought and discuss issues such as increased flooding, coastal erosion, and the impact of melting sea ice.

May 4-7, 2009
2009 West Regional Conference
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Cost and Registration: $325 before April 20, open until filled

This conference focuses on issues of dam safety that affect dam owners, governments, and engineers in Western states. Session topics include hazardous discoveries, hazard mitigation, and dam operation and maintenance.