We've got lots of exciting news about the Natural Hazards Workshop, not the least of which is that we've confirmed two great keynote speakers:

Craig Fugate, the new FEMA administrator, will speak on the first morning of the Workshop, Thursday, July 16.

James Lopez, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will speak on the morning of July 17.

Our list of confirmed panelists and great sessions is also growing rapidly. Check our main Workshop Schedule for links to sessions such as “The Stafford Act 20 Years Later,” which will explore what changes are needed for our 20-year-old emergency act to come of age, or “Great Southern California ShakeOut,” which will reveal lessons learned from one of the most comprehensive earthquake scenarios ever held. You’ll also find other useful information—speaker and panelist biographies, poster and workshop abstracts, and a lot more. Registrations are filling fast, so visit the site and register (or request an invitation) before it’s too late.