The Natural Hazards Center is pleased to announce the release of the first of our series of Quick Response Reports on the 2013 Colorado Floods.

Women in the Face of Disaster: Incorporating Gender Perspectives into Disaster Policy by Bridgette Cram of Florida International University explores vulnerability and resilience of women during the flooding and makes recommendations on how these factors can be better incorporated into emergency management planning and preparedness.

Along with being the first of six Quick Response projects detailing the effects of the flood, Cram’s report, QR247, is also one of the first to be published in our new electronic format.

The format was designed to make it easier for researchers using the report to build bibliographies, access online resources, and take advantage of our Natural Hazards Library resources—but for those of you that are still paper friendly, never fear. The reports are also easy to navigate, save as a PDF, or print. Head over to our Quick Response Grant Program page to check it out and learn more about the program.