If you’ve got an interest in hazards and mad programming skills, then you’re the librarian for us! The Natural Hazards Center is looking someone with experience developing and maintaining websites, programming for the web, and cataloging. The successful candidate will develop library, customer, and website information systems and oversee the migration of records to the DSpace open repository system and Koha ILS.


  • Update and enhance Center web projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery
  • Use APIs to maintain and extend vendor tools
  • Create original MARC records using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules Second Edition (AACR2) for descriptions, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for subject analysis, and local lexicon and classification systems, as well as edit MARC records using local standards
  • Develop and update protocols and standards for bibliographic entry
  • Instruct and supervise student assistants in related technical work


  • A bachelor’s degree in a related field
  • Experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, web analytics, and content management systems
  • Experience with AACR2 and LCSH
  • Knowledge of MARC bibliographic and authorities formats
  • Demonstrated knowledge of current library technologies, standards, and best practices
  • Working knowledge of metadata standards, particularly Dublin Core
  • Knowledge of and interest in cataloguing trends and emerging standards
  • Knowledge of and interest in web standards, usability, and accessibility
  • One to two years of experience cataloging multiple material types and formats

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Master’s in Library and Information Science
  • PHP, JavaScript Frameworks, XML, JSON, web APIs and/or XSLT a plus
  • Some familiarity with DSpace and Koha open source software

To apply, visit the job posting on the University of Colorado Job site.