University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position teaches undergraduate Emergency Administration and Planning Program courses and core courses in hazard mitigation, preparedness, and disaster response and recovery. Applicants may be “all but dissertation” in emergency management or a related field.

Administrative Analyst II
Howard County
Columbia, Maryland
Salary: $55,057 to $88,795
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position assists in developing emergency plans, training sessions, and presentations; supervises emergency management projects; and prepares technical documents. A master’s degree and two years of research, planning, or management experience are required.

Executive Director
Florida International University International Hurricane Research Center
Miami, Florida
Salary: $160,000 to $190,000
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position leads International Hurricane Research Center planning, develops research programs and initiatives, maintains a dialogue with institutional partners, and oversees grants. A PhD in engineering, earth science, or social science; previous research experience in hurricanes or natural disasters; and a history of obtaining external funding are required.

National Flood Insurance Program Trainer
Morristown, New Jersey
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position develops curricula and conducts online and in-person training for the National Flood Insurance Program, serves as a subject matter expert, and assists with state insurance filings. A bachelor’s degree in adult education or a related field, five years of public speaking experience, the ability to travel extensively, and NFIP knowledge are required.

Shelter Expert
The Haven Community Foundation
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: June 24, 2010

This position manages the Foundation’s shelter program, develops projects, oversees finances, and trains staff. A bachelor’s degree in engineering or construction, housing construction knowledge, one year of leadership experience, and two years of overseas experience are required.

Disaster Veterinary Officer
World Society for the Protection of Animals
Bogota, Columbia
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: June 30, 2010

This position manages veterinary disaster field operations, assesses risk reduction plans, creates a regional network for reduction strategies, and evaluates all Society-funded emergency disaster interventions. Applicants must be qualified veterinarians, have experience working with animals in difficult circumstances, have training and management experience, and be able to swim at least 200 meters.

Disaster Service Planner
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Springfield, Illinois
Salary: $50,268 to $73,560
Closing Date: June 7, 2010

This position performs planning and preparedness duties for the Bureau of Disaster Preparedness and assists state agencies and local governments in disaster preparedness activities and training. A bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional experience in planning, public administration, or a related field; two years planning experience; and a working knowledge of statistical methods are required.