Seismic Risk Analyst
WeatherPredict Consulting Inc.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position reviews seismic risk models for consistency with property exposure science for the financial sector, develops analytical tools, and prepares reports on seismic risk and events. A master’s degree in geophysical or engineering science, three years of related industry experience, and solid computational and statistical skills are required.

Postgraduate Scientist
University Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: February 7, 2010

This position integrates social and atmospheric science research, with an emphasis on the socioeconomic impacts of weather, as well as weather forcast communication, interpretation, use, and value. A PhD in a social science or interdisciplinary field, qualitative or quantitative research expertise, and interdisciplinary data collection methods and analysis skills are required.

Flood Plain Manager
Jefferson Parish
Jefferson County, Louisiana
Salary: $37,885
Closing Date: January 22, 2010

This position coordinates National Flood Insurance Program activities, updates the Federal Emergency Management Agency repetitive loss database, maintains flood insurance rate maps, and oversees special hazard maps. Knowledge of FEMA flood mitigation regulations, the National Flood Insurance Program, and the Community Rating System are required, along with a bachelor’s degree or two years of FEMA flood mitigation and National Flood Insurance Program experience.

Regional Planner
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Fairfax County, Virginia
Salary: $62,738 to $83,651
Closing Date: January 22, 2010

This position develops and maintains local emergency operations plans and coordinates disaster planning with local and state agencies. Knowledge of government roles in emergency response, an understanding of emergency services, and the ability to direct planning, safety, and field operations activities are required.

Urban Climate Risk Management Specialist
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Bangkok, Thailand
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: January 22, 2010

This position analyzes observational data for historical and current climate variability patterns, makes climate change projections, develops adaptation strategies, and examines socioeconomic risks in urban areas. A master’s degree in climatology, urban climate risk management, or a related field and ten years experience in climate risk analysis and field implementation are required.

Mitigation Planner
Multiple locations
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position assists clients in developing hazard mitigation plans, ensures plans are consistent with Federal Emergency Management Agency and state guidelines, and represents emergency management and homeland security needs on IEM projects. A bachelor’s degree in emergency management or a related field, three years experience related to mitigation, and knowledge of regulatory programs are required.