Environmental/Historic Preservation Specialist, GS-11
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Biloxi, Mississippi
Salary: $54,494 to $70,834
Closing Date: December 22, 2008

The specialist will assist in managing FEMA environmental and historic preservation compliance responsibilities. Duties include gathering data, analyzing and coordinating interagency projects, and providing technical policy assistance. One year of specialized experience equivalent to GS-10 is required.

Emergency Education Capacity Development Manager
Save the Children UK
London, England
Salary: $57,453
Closing Date: January 4, 2009

This position oversees the development and effective delivery of education in emergencies, facilitates training where appropriate, or manages others to do the same. Requirements include a master’s degree in education, experience designing humanitarian education field programs, and familiarity with emergency education in complex, rapid onset emergency settings.

Emergency Planning Coordinator
County of Santa Clara
San Jose, California
Salary: $65,195 to $79,277
Closing Date: December 29, 2008

This position plans and coordinates Santa Clara County emergency preparedness plans; develops comprehensive emergency plans; conducts technical disaster planning studies; and analyzes potential county disasters. At least two years at an accredited college or university, major coursework in a related field, and two years of administrative disaster relief, emergencies, or civil defense experience is required.

Executive Director
Stephenson Disaster Management Institute
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: January 30, 2009

This position will guide the institute’s research and education missions; build fiscal resources; develop and support an applied, multi-disciplinary research agenda; and build partnerships with scholars, emergency responders, and the business community. A master’s degree in a related field is required. Substantial expertise in emergency preparedness and response as a senior-level practitioner in a public safety-related field is desired.

Emergency Management Faculty
North Dakota State University
Fargo, North Dakota
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: January 15, 2009

The person chosen for this tenure-track Sociology, Anthropology, and Emergency Management Department faculty position must be able to teach about two or more of the following: disaster preparedness, mitigation and prevention, response and recovery, special needs populations in disaster, research methods, voluntary organizations in disaster, or possibly emergency management and disaster courses in your area of interest. A PhD in sociology, anthropology, emergency management, or a related field is required.

State Hazard Mitigation Supervisor
New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Salary: $43,056 to $76,544
Closing date: January 2, 2009

This position is the state project officer and principal staff advisor for pre- and post-disaster mitigation grants; develops and coordinates hazard mitigation planning statewide; and promotes structural and nonstructural mitigation practices that reduce the impacts of natural hazard events. A bachelor’s degree in engineering, hydrology, planning, environmental science, or a related field and five years of combined work experience is required.