Floodplain Management Specialist, GS-0301-11
Federal Emergency Management Agency
New Orleans, Louisiana
Salary: $54,494 to $70,843
Closing date: October 31, 2008

This position develops strategy for National Flood Insurance Program coordination, compliance, and community outreach and synchronizes federal and state long-term recovery efforts relating to floodplain management.

Director of Emergency Preparedness
Tidewater Community College
Norfolk, Virginia
Salary: Not posted
Closing date: November 10, 2008

The Director of Emergency Preparedness provides leadership and coordination in crisis and emergency planning, risk assessment, mitigation, response, recovery, and training using an all-hazards approach to preparedness efforts. A master’s degree, experience administering grants and contracts, and an ability to develop emergency drills and educational programs are required.

Technical Advisor
Catholic Relief Services
Salary: Not Posted
Closing date: October 26, 2008

The Technical Advisor develops the agency's monitoring, evaluation, and learning resources and provides technical assistance to field staff. A master’s degree or equivalent in international development or a related field and at least five years experience in emergency programming, monitoring, and evaluation are required.

United Nations Development Programme
Malé, Maldives
Salary: Not posted
Closing date: October 26, 2008

This position will develop a comprehensive review of the Maldives national building code, enhance existing codes, revise implementation and inspection procedures, and create new inspection guidelines when needed. At least five years of experience with government consultancy, United Nations organizations, and other institutions is needed, as well as the ability to organize experts and integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change.

Assistant Exercise Coordinator
Lockheed Martin
Atlanta, Georgia
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Not posted

This position coordinates with different agencies to design, develop, and execute emergency exercises in support of Strategic National Stockpile Program and provides guidance and lessons learned from those events. A master’s degree and four years of professional experience, or a bachelor’s degree and six years experience, is required.

Senior Emergency Planner
Innovative Emergency Management
Arlington, Virginia
Salary: Not posted
Closing date: Not posted

This position assists clients in developing or updating emergency plans and procedures consistent with the National Incident Management System and other state and federal requirements. A master’s degree is preferred. Six years emergency planning experience is required.

Emergency Coordinator
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Richmond, Virginia
Salary: $26,500 to $29,000
Closing Date: October 31, 2008

This position operates emergency communications, initiates response activities, and allocates state resources during emergencies and disasters. Required skills include knowledge of basic electronics, extensive knowledge of communication standards and equipment, state geographical knowledge, and an understanding of relevant laws, codes and regulations.