Shelter and Reconstruction Advisor
CARE International
London, England
Salary: $50,000
Closing Date: September 29, 2008

This position helps set the policies, strategies, best practices, and guidelines of CARE International. A thorough understanding of the humanitarian shelter and emergency reconstruction fields and a successful record of designing emergency shelters using SPHERE standards are required.

Regional Technical Advisor
Catholic Relief Services
Salary: Not Posted
Closing Date: November 18, 2008

This position works closely with Catholic Relief Services programs to create stronger community risk reduction, provide rapid response in emergencies, and establish security standards for management and learning. A graduate degree in international development, or related field, and at least three years of experience in emergency settings are required.

Director of Disaster Response
World Concern
Seattle, Washington
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position directs disaster response operations including preparation, mitigation, and implementation of World Concern’s external projects. Experience in international relief management and working with the UN, USAID, and other World Concern donors is required.

Humanitarian and Climate Change Researcher
Massachusetts, USA
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: September 30, 2008

This position contributes to Oxfam's climate change advocacy campaigns to reform climate change policy, particularly in the area of adaptation strategies for developing countries. A doctorate in a relevant field, or equivalent research experience, and five years of progressively complex research/policy analysis work are required.

Climate Leadership Initiative Program Director
The Resource Innovation Group
Eugene, Oregon
Salary: $45,000 to $55,000
Closing Date: December 15, 2008

The director oversees the Climate Preparation/Adaptation Program and is responsible for assisting governments, businesses, and community groups in implementing strategies and to help natural, built, and economic systems withstand and adapt to climate change. Policy development background and the ability to integrate biophysical and social science policy and programs are required.

All-Hazards Trainer
New York City Department of Health
New York, New York
Salary: $75,439 to $109,650
Closing Date: September 30, 2008

This position plans, develops, and implements an all-hazards training program for hospital, commercial, and private labs. A doctorate, at least five years of experience in clinical laboratory procedures, and all-hazards response training and planning experience is required. Knowledge of infectious diseases is a plus.

Office of Emergency Services Specialist
Health and Human Services Agency
Visalia, California
Salary: $54,688 to $66,647
Closing Date: October 7, 2008

Responsibilities include gathering and analyzing data on county emergency program quality, assisting in the design and conveyance of program test exercises, identifying deficiencies, and implementing recommendations. A combination of education and experience that provide the necessary skills and abilities to function in the position is acceptable.

Security and Emergency Management Faculty
Franklin University
Columbus, Ohio
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

Responsibilities include overseeing program-wide courses, as well as hiring, mentoring, and managing adjunct faculty. Scheduling and staffing of courses and university service/committee work are also required. Applicant must have a doctorate in public administration, emergency management, or related field. Candidates with prior experience in related fields or who are nearing the completion of their doctorate may also be considered.