Private Sector Division Director, GS-15
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, D.C.
Salary: $127,758 to $155,500
Closing Date: July 18, 2012

This position will develop a national emergency preparedness public outreach program. Responsibilities include building relationships with major companies and universities, engaging high-ranking public officials, managing and training a team of staff, and representing FEMA at various public and private sector events. One year of experience at or above the GS-14 level is required.

Geophysicist, GS-7
U.S. Geological Survey
Golden, Colorado
Salary: $41,631 to $66,195
Closing Date: August 2, 2012

This position will provide general earthquake information to government and disaster relief agencies, as well as the media and general public. Responsibilities include determining earthquake locations and magnitudes around the world, evaluating the accuracy and reliability of automated programs that compute earthquake parameters, and interpreting digitally recorded seismograms from the Advanced National Seismic System. This position includes handling sensitive instruments, recording measurements, and performing mathematical computations. One year of related experience is required.

Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: August 3, 2012

This tenure-track position will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in natural resources and environmental policy. Responsibilities include directing graduate student research, publishing articles in professional journals, and acquiring external funding for research. A PhD in natural resources or environmental policy and a strong background in wildland fire, water resources, environmental easements, National Forest management, policy analysis, community forestry, political theory, international law, or energy are required.

Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor
Washington, D.C.
Salary: $89,033 to $115,742
Closing Date: August 9, 2012

This position will assist the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance with identifying countries for disaster risk reduction intervention. Responsibilities include providing advice on various DRR activities, developing increased awareness of DRR strategies within OFDA, managing the production of reports on disaster risk reduction, and providing oversight of risk reduction at the national and regional levels. A bachelor’s degree in a DRR-related field and at least seven years of experience with humanitarian relief are required.

Emergency Management Coordinator
University of Alaska
Juneau, Alaska
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position will coordinate university emergency preparedness planning activities. Responsibilities include conducting risk analyses for campus operations and programs, training campus leaders in continuity planning, coordinating a comprehensive campus business continuity plan, and distributing risk management policies and procedures to the campus community. Three years of experience in emergency management and a bachelor’s degree in urban planning, public administration, or public safety are required. Incident Command System instructor certification is preferred. Search for job #0064080.

Emergency Management Coordinator
Jacksonville, Florida
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position assists with developing disaster preparedness, response, and recovery plans. Responsibilities include facilitating planning committee meetings; creating training curricula; assisting cities with continuity of operations, emergency response, and evacuation planning; establishing relationships with the private sector; and coordinating postdisaster damage assessments. Knowledge of FEMA planning standards and continuity of operations plan requirements, experience presenting public information programs, and experience developing and administering emergency preparedness programs are required.

Disaster Information Librarian
ICF International
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position will identify, develop, and update disaster information resources for librarians, emergency management professionals, and the general public. Responsibilities include managing ICF International’s website and social media accounts, indexing resources according to national and international standards, complying with copyright and contractual commitments, developing promotional materials, and developing contacts in the medical, health, emergency management, and information communities. A master’s degree in library science and at least five years of information management experience in a library are required. An understanding of disaster management is preferred.