Recovery Planning Coordinator, GS-12
Federal Emergency Management Agency
All Regional Offices
Salary: $60,274 to $93,175
Closing Date: May 9, 2012

This position manages regional recovery planning and related field operations before and after presidentially declared disasters. Responsibilities include serving as the regional expert on community recovery planning and capacity building, collaborating with the mitigation division to incorporate mitigation and sustainability measures into recovery plans, and advising the Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator during disaster events. At least one year of experience at or above the GS-11 level and one year of experience providing local or state community planning guidance are required.

Emergency Response Program Manager
Multnomah County Health Department
Portland, Oregon
Salary: $58,661 to $90,554
Closing Date: May 11, 2012

This position will advance county emergency preparedness capacity by emphasizing preparedness for bioterrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and other emergencies with potential public health impacts. Responsibilities include coordinating emergency preparedness activities, training health department managers and staff, conducting tabletop exercises, ensuring redundant emergency communication, and monitoring program expenditures. A master’s degree in public health, public administration, or biostatistics and two years of related experience at a public health agency are required. Certification in emergency management is preferred.

Director and State Geologist
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Butte, Montana
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position oversees and develops Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology programs. Responsibilities include working with the Montana University System and the state legislature to secure MBMG funding, finding external funding, publicizing geoscience research developments, and communicating information on natural hazards and geologic, groundwater, energy, and mineral resources. A PhD in geosciences, ten or more years of experience, and administrative and program development abilities are required.

Technical Specialists, Climate Adaptation Program for Coastal Communities
Tetra Tech ARD
Pacific Islands
Salary: Not posted
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position will help coastal communities in the Pacific build resilience to increasingly intense and frequent weather events, ecosystem degradation, and sea level rise. Responsibilities include building local capacity, providing technical leadership for economic development, and producing reports and publications. A graduate degree in coastal resource management, seven years of related technical experience, and experience in the Pacific Islands are required. Experience working on U.S. Agency for International Development or large donor-funded projects is preferred.

Transportation and Infrastructure Project Manager
New York City Office of Emergency Management
Brooklyn, New York
Salary: $55,000 to $65,000
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position will develop the transportation and infrastructure components of emergency plans. Responsibilities include providing technical advice to city agencies on emergency planning efforts; identifying methods to protect the public against hazards; and planning for hazard mitigation, post-event recovery and restoration, coastal storm evacuation, and transportation and utilities disruption. A master’s degree and one year of professional experience in emergency management, public administration, urban planning, or engineering are required. Experience with transportation and infrastructure planning is preferred.

Hazard Mitigation Grants Coordinator
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
Framingham, Massachusetts
Salary: $41,286 to $59,652
Closing Date: Open until filled

This position will work with the State Hazard Mitigation Team to implement a federally funded state hazard mitigation program. Responsibilities include assisting eligible applicants with grant applications, reviewing mitigation plans, documenting environmental and historic preservation review of proposed mitigation projects, conducting benefit-cost analyses, and presenting information about the state hazard mitigation grant program to communities. At least two years of management experience in public administration is required. Experience working with local emergency management programs is preferred.