The Natural Hazards Center wrapped up its 33rd Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop July 15 with more than 400 national and international researchers, practitioners, and government officials in attendance.

The Workshop, held this year in Broomfield, Colorado, for the first time, featured keynote speeches on climate change by Roger Pielke Jr. and on the nation’s declining levee systems by Gerald Galloway. Plenary sessions included presentations by Nobel Prize-winning IPCC authors, experts who worked with the 2007 Southern California Wildfires, and leaders in catastrophic recovery efforts.

Coverage of the keynote speeches, the rousing plenary discussions, and key themes arising from Workshop sessions will be included in the September edition of the Observer.

Check out the Natural Hazards Center website in August for session summaries and photos, or visit now to see abstracts of the works presented and descriptions of the many plenary, concurrent, and research sessions.