Students, professionals, and anyone with an interest in how historic, geographic, and social factors put some populations at risk during disaster will welcome Social Vulnerability to Disasters, a new text that takes a multidisciplinary approach to examining how at-risk groups respond to and recover from disasters.

The book, based on the FEMA Higher Education Project social vulnerability course materials, features chapters from leaders in disaster research and provides techniques for community-based mitigation, instruction in building capacity and resiliency, and an understanding of how social, political, and economic influences add to disaster impacts. Topics such as violence and disaster vulnerability, theoretical framing of world views, and language and literacy are showcased, as well as age, gender, class, race, disability, and health.

Looking for an added bonus? Throw in the feel-good factor of knowing all royalties from the book benefit the Mary Fran Myers Scholarship Fund. The book is dedicated to Myers, a former Natural Hazards Center co-director committed to reducing disaster vulnerability.

For more information or to order online, visit the publisher’s website.