There’s sure to be a lot of shots fired this election season, including some that will keep voters healthy. A project called Vote & Vax is cocked and ready to stump for a prevention platform by offering flu shots at polling places across the country.

Vote & Vax—a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Collaboration—hopes the convenience of getting dosed while doing civic duty will win support for both efforts.

“By thinking in new ways about our approach to the delivery of flu shots—especially the use of non-traditional settings—we can have a tremendous positive effect on a community’s health,” said RWJF representative Jane Isaacs Lowe in a press release.

Nearly 100 clinics have signed up for the effort nationwide, according to the project. For more information, including how to hold a Vote & Vax clinic in your area, visit the website.