National Institute of Health Disaster Research Response
For those interested in the health implications of hazards and disasters, this website—which supports the National Institute of Health framework for research on the topic—will be invaluable. The site offers and array of data collection tools, research protocols, disaster research news, and events. Check back often for the latest information on topical subjects, such as the Zika outbreak or oil spill response.
The Making of a Riskier Future: How Are Decisions Are Shaping Future Disaster Risk
Disasters are out of our control, but factors that increase risk aren’t. This report by the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction argues that individuals and policy makers need to do more to avoid the main drivers of risk—but can’t do so effectively until better way of assessing the dynamic nature of risk is developed.
Wildland Urban Interface Toolkit
This go-to resource has a wealth of information to help fire departments need to prepare for and respond to wildland urban interface fires. Communities threatened by the possibility of wildland fires on their outskirts will find communication templates, assessment tools, codes and standards, and training opportunities that can help make a difference when wildland fire comes to town.
World Health Organization Zika App
Healthcare workers and first responders can keep up on ever-changing information about the Zika virus, thanks to this app developed by the WHO. The app has real-time information about disease spread, technical guidance, response, training, and the latest news and research. The app is available in a variety of languages on both iPhone and Android platforms.