Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Ebrary
The folks at ebrary have foraged through an array of government reports and websites on natural hazards topics and cobbled together this impressive selection of downloadable information. Site visitors can access documents using a variety of searches, take notes and highlight passages, and even share and archive their findings.

Florida StormSmart Coasts
Florida is the latest state to get StormSmart—a series of targeted websites that make sure coastal residents and visitors wise up to the dangers of storms and flooding. With a wealth of information on planning, emergency services, legal and regulatory issues, infrastructure, and grants and funding, you’d have to be a dummy not to check it out.

Health and Human Services Tweets
Don’t Twitter? That doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the words of wisdom that filter through the more than 50 HHS Twitter streams. With one visit to this site, created by Ignite Health’s Fabio Gratton, you can check in with the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and many more.

NOAA Climate Service Webinars
As the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration gets ready to launch its new Climate Service, it will host a series of Webinars allowing those interested to ask questions and give input. Each Webinar is aimed at a specific group; the next will reach out to the academic research community on April 1, 2010.