You don’t have to be a techno-cartographer to create fun and useful interactive maps. All you need is UMapper software to overlay a variety of information onto a map of your building, your county, or any other location. Create educational games, visualize emergency exit routes, map residents with special needs, or anything else you dream up. Once your map is created, UMapper writes it in universal code so it can be easily embedded on your website.

Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog
The Office of Science and Technology Policy is now hosting a blog where members of the science community and the public can learn more about emerging issues and have a more active voice in crafting science policy. The site was inspired by President Barak Obama’s pledge to find new ways of incorporate the expertise of ordinary Americans into government decision making.

Data.Gov is going to be huge—literally a gargantuan collection of what could eventually encompass the majority of all data ever collected by the U.S. government. But for now, it’s 47 data sets arranged to give you a feel for how for how users can download info, analyze data, and even create fun widgets for your website. Check it out—you’ll be able to say you knew it when…

Extension Disaster Education Network
The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) was created to help extension educators provide quality online resources and networking connections on disaster preparedness, recovery, response, and mitigation. Visitors to the site can join EDEN or access information organized by state or category.

Prince William Sound Regional Citizen's Advisory Council
Those interested in efforts to ensure the environmental integrity of Prince William Sound—the site of the tragic 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill—will find a wealth of information about past and present work, as well as resources on the spill and subsequent restoration. Projects include oil spill response and prevention, environmental monitoring, and maritime practices. Community outreach and resources are also available.

Insurance for my Nonprofit
Insurance for my Nonprofit, the latest offering from the Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI), helps nonprofits assess insurance needs and connects organizations with nonprofit insurance providers. Small to medium groups can receive a free, customized assessment of their insurance needs. Additional subscription services are also available.

Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs
This final workshop report offers recommendations for creating a standards-based approach to assisting those with special needs during emergencies and natural disasters. Suggestions include incorporating the special needs population in training and disaster exercises, making the public understand that even temporary injury or illness can make them a person with special needs, developing standards for emergency evacuation equipment, and more.