Communicating On Climate Change
Communicating on Climate Change: An Essential Resource for Journalists, Scientists, and Educators was based on a series of workshops designed to start a dialogue—in understandable terms—between journalists and climate scientists. The resulting book, which is available for free download, contains essays on how both groups, as well as educational institutions, can bridge the climate change communication gap.

FEMA Learning Resource Center Emergency Management RSS and E-mail Updates
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is compiling a library of links to RSS feeds, e-mail lists, and other electronic notification that promises to keep users in the know about emergency management, natural hazards, and homeland security.

The WHO Manual For Health Care of Children in Humanitarian Emergencies
The World Health Organization released this guide last month for medical responders who provide care to children under 5-years-old in the absence of inpatient hospital facilities. The guide includes emergency resuscitation, trauma and burn management, newborn and infant care, and evaluation of mental health.

Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up
This new report from the National Academies proposes joining local, business, agricultural, and other independent weather observation systems to form a “network of networks” that can be used not only to monitor weather, but also to gauge biological and nuclear contaminants, smoke from wildfires, and monitor regional climate.

Those familiar with Twitter know that the brief chirps of information during an emergency can paint a sonar-like picture of what’s happening on the ground. allows you to enter keywords for instant and personalized monitoring of the Twitter stream.