This recently-completed second phase of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s FEMA’s Recovery Transparency Initiative allows residents to monitor the status of rebuilding in their neighborhoods. Detailed maps, reports, and expected completion dates are included. The site is part of FEMA’s efforts to provide the public with information on how, where, and when rebuilding funds are being spent in the Gulf Coast.

Change for America
Those searching for yet another volume of opinion on how the incoming administration can get America back on track will want to check out Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th. The upcoming Center for American Progress publication includes sections on economics, domestic policy, and national security. More than 10 chapters—including one written by Barak Obama’s transition chief John Podesta—are available for free download.

GAO’s 2009 Presidential Transition Site
Opinions about the transitional challenges facing the incoming administration and how to address them are rampant these days. Now the U.S. Government Accountability Office—a traditional transition resource—has weighed in with a website devoted to the switch, including urgent needs, long-term fiscal considerations, upcoming reports, and agency-by-agency issues.

The Political Economy of “Natural” Disasters
This Journal of Conflict Resolution article uses case studies and empirical evidence to examine differences in government disaster preparation and why international aid availability could lead to a lack of investment in preparedness measures. The full text is available online.

FEMA Learning Resource Center’s Disaster Bibliographies
From a video journal of 1969 Hurricane Camille to a simulation of the 2003 Station Night Club fire, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has made accessing FEMA resources on specific events easy. The bibliographies of video, print, and other resources—some of them online—are arranged by category.

Copenhagen Climate Council’s Climate Community
When it comes to communicating about a changing climate, the Copenhagen Climate Council is changing it up with the launch of a new community where business leaders, academics, and government officials can brainstorm answers to the current crisis. Online forums, interviews, and a virtual summit will be features of the community, which is slated to go online in December.

DHS 2009 Grant Guide
The Department of Homeland Security this month announced $3 billion in federal grants would be available for state and local government preparedness efforts. The money will be awarded through 14 programs such as the Urban Areas Security Initiative and the Transit Security Grant program. Learn more about how your organization can make a successful bid for its slice of the security pie with this 27-page downloadable DHS guide.