Report on Special Needs Assessment for Katrina Evacuees (SNAKE) Project
This report from the National Organization on Disability (NOD) confirms “traditional response and recovery systems” in the United States are ill-equipped to handle the needs of the disabled, elderly, and medically dependent. Using Hurricane Katrina as a case study, the NOD paints a picture of what it was like for the 23.2 percent of the New Orleans population that is disabled. The report also gives numerous recommendations to improve disaster response and recovery in special needs populations.

Bradford Disaster Research Unit
In the mid 1970s, the Project Planning Centre for Developing Countries at England’s University of Bradford developed a Disaster Research Unit to address, among other things, human response to disasters, an assessment of the impact of tropical cyclones in Fiji, and a Bahamas-based field study on pre-disaster planning. Bradford researchers published a series of “Occasional Papers” on topics ranging from precautionary planning and disaster management to disaster definitions that set the stage for modern day disaster reduction research. Fourteen of the papers are now available on the above website.

The National Interagency Fire Center—Incident Management Situation Report
The Incident Management Situation Report provides up-to-date information on fire activity across the country, including the number of new fires, large fires, and uncontained large fires. The report also tracks the spread of these fires and lists areas where blazes might damage facilities, residences, power lines and communication towers, as well as active evacuations. To access this information, click on Incident Management Situation Report link on the above website.

Carbon Emissions Calculator
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) now gives passengers a simple way to estimate carbon dioxide levels emitted during air travel. With only a small amount of information entered by the user, the calculator factors in variables such as aircraft types, air traffic routes, and passenger and cargo loads and gives giving travelers the CO2 emission information they need to select trips offsetting their impact on climate change. The Carbon Emissions Calculator supports the United Nations Climate Neutral Initiative which urges all agencies and units within the UN system to measure carbon emission totals.

WMO El Niño/La Niña Update
This press release from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) presents a forecast for El Niño and La Niña activity through the rest of this year. El Niño and La Niña are responsible for numerous natural hazards, including drought and monsoon flooding. The WMO predicts that the effects of El Niño and La Niña in the upcoming months will be very mild.

“Why More Men Die in Floods ”
This TIME Magazine article by Amanda Ripley explores gender differences in fatalities from this summer’s extreme Midwest flooding. According to the article, men are more likely than women to die in floods or other storms and natural disasters. Experts believe men have a higher risk of fatality in many storms because they are more likely to work outside. But the high number of deaths also can be attributed to men’s increased willingness to take risks.

Natural Security: Protected Areas and Hazard Mitigation
This report is the fifth volume in a series of reports developed as part of the “ Arguments for Protection” project, which aims to widen and strengthen support for park creation by presenting evidence on the social and economic benefits of protected areas. The report explores the increasing number and severity of natural disasters, reviews how environmental degradation is contributing to this trend, looks at how conservation through protection is mitigating the impacts of hazards and disasters, and discusses options for further developing the role of protected areas in disaster prevention and mitigation strategies. The World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the UK-based consulting firm Equilibrium created this report.

Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition
The Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition (EERC) is dedicated to providing first responders with information on hazmat situations involving renewable fuels. The website features information on EERC, research on ethanol spills and fires, and training resources for those responding to ethanol incidents.