2008 Emergency Response Guidebook
The U.S. Department of Transportation, along with Transport Canada and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of Mexico, has released the 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook. The guide will aid those responding to hazardous material transportation incidents in quickly identifying the specific material and protecting themselves and the public. The guide can be downloaded in PDF form or ordered in print.

CDC Environmental Health Shelter Assessment Tool
A Center for Disease Control tool to help environmental health practitioners conduct rapid assessments of shelter conditions during emergencies and disasters. The assessment form covers 14 areas of environmental health, ranging from basic food safety and water quality to pet wellness. It also allows for the documentation of immediate needs in shelters and can be modified to meet local needs.

A portal to information for users and potential users of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s HAZUS-MH software. The earthquake-, flood-, and hurricane-modeling software, which is available free to local, state and federal governments, was recently updated with new versions and tools.

Department of Homeland Security Information Sharing Strategy
This is the most recently released directive for Department of Homeland Security's information sharing policy. According to DHS, the policy's vision has been expanded and now includes external information sharing.

BC Management’s Business Continuity Compensation Report
The Seventh annual survey of professionals in business continuity, disaster recovery, emergency management and crisis management is now available. Salary information is aggregated by job, location, certifications, experience level, and a variety of other factors.

Yale New Haven Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response
This site compiles information from the Yale New Haven Center, a Connecticut center that aims to advance healthcare planning, preparedness and response in emergencies and disasters through collaboration. This site includes community preparedness programs; training for emergency managers, first responders, healthcare workers, and others; information on pandemic flu, incident command, and NIMS compliance; and more.

This site aggregates natural hazard information and risk data both by country and by hazard. Information, including text and graphics, is uploaded by users in a wiki-type format. Blogs, links and disaster-related news also are included.