FEMA for Kids: Preparing Kids and their Families
FEMA for Kids was designed to educate and inform children and parents about disasters, preparedness, and recovery in a fun and interactive way. The site informs kids through several mediums, like stories, games, quizzes, and more. Resources for parents and teachers are also available, including downloadable curriculum and safety information that can be incorporated into the home or classroom.

Rethinking Disasters: Why Death and Destruction is not Nature's Fault but Human Failure
This report is part of a series of papers that seeks to educate the members of public about issues on development and humanitarian policy issues. The information in the report is meant to aide advocacy, campaigning, education, and research. This report addresses following topics: consequences of poor policies and inaction; environmental challenges caused by climate change; disaster risk reduction; and recommendations for the future.

The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 2 (UCERF 2)
In this new comprehensive study, scientists have determined that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in the California area over the next 30 years is greater than 99%. Such quakes can be deadly, as shown by the 1989 magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta and the 1994 magnitude 6.7 Northridge earthquakes. The likelihood of at least one even more powerful quake of magnitude 7.5 or greater in the next 30 years is 46%—such a quake is most likely to occur in the southern half of the state.

Quiz—What to do in an Earthquake
Think you know what to do in case of an earthquake? Take the quiz and find out. This flash quiz tests your knowledge about what to do in an earthquake to protect you and your family. In addition to the quiz, you are given the safest actions to take during an event. Several websites are presented at the end of the quiz that will further increase knowledge of earthquake preparedness.

2007 FEMA Employee Survey
A study conducted by DHS reveals employee satisfaction within the department. The electronic survey performed in October of 2007 asked questions related to organizational accomplishments, workforce management, goals of the agency, leadership, and communication. The goal of the survey was to acquire information in hopes of further improving the agency’s programs and policies. This site contains a summary of the results specific to FEMA and its employees.

The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy
This article by Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plümper addresses gender inequalities as a result of natural disasters. Inequalities discussed include sensitivity to risk, access to resources, and vulnerability of women and girls specifically. The authors argue that disasters decrease life expectancy of women when compared to men. The authors contend that the high rate of female fatalities due to disaster occurs because of socially constructed, gender-specific vulnerability that is a part of our socio-economic system.

Children, Youth and Environments Special Issue
Children, Youth and Environments is a free, online, peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers of varying topics; however, special focus is paid to articles concerning youths in environments of disadvantage and those with special needs. Its mission is to connect researchers, policy makers, and practitioners around the world in an interdisciplinary effort. This special issue examines vulnerability and resilience of children and youth regarding disasters, and includes more than a dozen articles specifically related to children’s experience in disaster.