American Geosciences Institute Monthly Policy Reviews
It can be difficult to keep up with the numerous policy actions and legislation that affect how scientists and disaster professionals do their work. The American Geosciences Institute makes it easier. Each month, AGI collects information on relevant happenings and compiles it into brief, easy to ready synopses that ensure you'll have the latest information on congressional and agency undertakings.
Librarian's Disaster Planning and Community Resiliency Guidebook
More and more often, libraries are being tapped as go-to resources following disasters. Aside from providing information—a highly valuable service in itself after disaster—libraries can serve as havens that offer shelter, electricity, Wi-Fi connection, and other vital amenities that might be unavailable. Still, not every library is prepared to fulfill these functions. That's why the New Jersey State Library has created this guidebook and accompanying workbook to help them plan. The document outlines a two-prong approach, focusing on continuity of library operations, as well as steps that can be taken to assist in the recovery of the community overall.
RadResponder Network
Radiological emergency response requires having the right information, partnerships, and equipment. This network—a collaboration of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Energy—helps all levels of government plan ahead. The site offers secure space to share data, manage equipment and personnel, and collaborate in multijurisdictional situations.
Fire in the United States
Although the fire problem in the United States has decreased in the past decade, it still remains one of the most costly and severe hazards. In 2015 alone, fire departments across the United States responded to nearly 1.3 millions fire calls. Fire in the United States, published by the U.S. Fire Administration, provides information that can prompt corrective action, set priorities, serve as a model for state and local analyses of fire data, and provide a baseline for evaluating programs.
National Advisory Committee on Children and Disasters Report
Children exposed to a disaster are particularly vulnerable to the long-lasting psychological and emotional issues that arise as a result of a disaster. This report looks at child vulnerability before, during, and after disasters and makes recommendations to increase their recovery outcomes. Among the suggested actions are coordinating services at all levels of government, allowing for flexibility in disaster situations, creating and streamlining more funding opportunities, and making funding available for research.