Planning for Hazards: Land Use Solutions for Colorado
Although nearly three years has past, the ongoing recovery from the 2013 Colorado floods point to the need incorporate disaster risk reduction and resilience into planning effort. This new guide and accompanying website provide a road map to doing just that, with an eye toward Colorado risks. Visit the site to access the guide, find profiles of land-use tools that reduce loss and, and read interviews with communities of various sizes and capacities.

Disaster Collaboratory Journal List
If the Disaster Collaboratory wasn’t a useful enough (and as a place where disaster researchers can share ideas, experiences, and resources, it really is handy)—then this list of disaster-centric journals makes it all the more so. The list was compiled based on a number of factors such as credible scholarship, peer-review practices, and publisher credentials—and they’re all open access, because we know the best disaster research should be widely shared.

USGS Induced Earthquakes Website
The U.S. Geological Survey recently created a stir with the release of a new model that forecasts induced earthquakes. While that assessment was eye opening, it’s only part of a suite of information USGS has about induced seismicity. Check out this great source from the Earthquake Hazards Program and find observational studies, hazard estimation, and more on the myths and misconceptions surrounding manmade quakes.

NASA’s Planetary Defense
Because asteroids hurtling toward the earth exist outside Hollywood blockbusters, there’s NASA’s planetary defense. Check out the website and learn more about what types of hazards lurk in space, the systems in place to monitor them, and how they might be redirected. Bonus perk: you’ll probably be the only one of your friends to know that the Asteroid Grand Challenge isn’t a video game.

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