National Public Health Week
It’s National Public Health Week and if you’re not sure how to celebrate, this site is for you. The American Public Health Association has put together a wealth of resources that range from daily public health themes to a toolkit of information to get your community jazzed about public health and preparedness. Whether you’re in charge of public health outreach or just want to be a little more ready for possible health emergencies, the National Public Health week site has you covered.

Progress Toward Establishing a National Assessment of Water Availability and Use
Water, water, everywhere and not a drop… should go uncounted? Considering the increasing issues of drought and urbanization, probably not. Luckily the U.S. Geological Service has begun to assess what will be needed to conduct a national water census that would provide a snapshot of water availability across the nation. This report discusses steps that have been taken to create a water census, the role of water budgeting in assessing availability, reliability of census information, and what organizations will need to participate if the United States is to create a successful water census.

Sink or Swim
When it comes to preparing kids for floods, the City of Arlington, Texas, is getting graphic. Sink or Swim, a graphic novel about flood safety preparedness, is a sure way to get older kids on board with flood safety techniques. With a story that features adventure, time travel, daring rescues, and even a little romance, Sink or Swim is a fun and palatable way to teach kids what to do before, during, and after a flood.

Cooperative Research Programs: Security, Emergency Management, and Infrastructure Protection Research Status Report
When it comes to keeping citizens safe during transit, the Transportation Research Board has 101 ways to make it happen. Actually, make that 111 ways—and learn the status of them all in this monthly report. Since 2001, the TRB has been busy making sure travel in the United States is safe from terrorist threats and other dangers. So far, they and their partners have completed 111 research projects, with another 24 in progress and 10 in development. The report is a quick and easy way to keep tabs on $20 million devoted to keeping everything from railways to waterways terrorist-free.

National Fire Academy Off-Campus Courses
It doesn’t matter where you are, if you wish upon a National Fire Academy course, you’ll find one in your area. The Academy offers free fire and EMS training in all fifty states and this list will give you an idea of what’s coming up in your neighborhood. Class topics include executive development, hazardous materials, arson, incident management, and responder health and safety. CEUs are available in some instances.