Solve the Outbreak
Whether it’s thinking back to who might have given you the flu or noting symptoms of sick coworkers, everyone play disease detective sometimes. Now you can put your sick-solving skills to the test. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have created a fun little app that lets you step into the role of contagion killer. Learn how diseases start, quarantine villages, and interview the sick—your actions can stop illness from spreading, so think quickly and download it today.

The Cochrane Library Resources for Earthquakes
Disease sleuthing games aside, healthcare professionals in real-life disaster situations can find a wealth of information at the Cochrane Library, a collection of six evidence-based databases. The library has recently made a selection of resources available to assist healthcare official after an earthquake. The free-access articles cover topics such as diarrhea prevention and treatment, wound management, fracture management, physical trauma, and anesthesia.
Evacuteer isn’t exactly a new resource, but its singular mission makes it a site worth revisiting. The organization, which trains about 500 people each year to help with disaster efforts, is charged with helping people leave Louisiana if they’re forced to evacuate. But that’s not all. The group has a bevy of projects it maintains including preparedness research, social media campaigns, and even public art installations (which will double as evacuation pick up points). Evacuteer hopes to one day take their concept nationwide, so stop by the website and see what might work for your community.

Emergency 2.0 Wiki
Don’t let the name fool you—Emergency 2.0 is so much more than just anther pretty wiki. This website aims to give the emergency management community a resource to integrate social media and other technologies into their emergency repertoire, and hopefully build more resilient communities while doing so. In addition to the Wiki—arranged in a handy pre-, during, and post-disaster format—visitors to the site will find tips, guides, apps, mapping tools, and videos.