Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Incident Reviews
When it comes to documenting the lessons learned from wildland fires, this repository has a long memory. With downloadable documents from as far back as 1910, visitors can get a historical perspective on wildfires just as easily as they can pull up a wealth of information on recent events. Convenient search features make it easy to narrow results down to just the ones you want, while those who’ve already learned their lessons can just as easily upload them for others to read.

How Influenza Pandemics Occur
It’s coming up on the season to start battling cold and flu, so what better time to bone up on how disease spreads? This video from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases makes it easy with lots of information about pandemics and how flu mutates. You’ll even learn what the H and N stand for in the dreaded H1N1 virus, so grab some tissues and curl up for three minutes of flu-tastic education.

WWII Fire Safety Propaganda Posters
Fire Prevention Week 2012 is just behind us, but there are entire decades of Prevention Weeks past—and some are immortalized in an awesome collection of World War II posters. Check out these examples of how to keep a nation from forgetting fire safety even while a war wages in the background.

Model Act Governing Standards for the Care and Disposition of Disaster Animals
Disasters such as Hurricane Katrina have driven home how our relationship with animals impacts us before and after disasters. Leaving or losing an animal during an evacuation or disaster can be devastating and reuniting can sometimes be a challenge. That’s why this model act was created to by the American Bar Association to serve as guideline for states to create policies around the disposition of rescued animals. The model set out parameters that require a shelter to hold pets for 30 days—so they can hopefully be reunited with their owners.

Review of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake
This review of the emergency response to the Christchurch earthquake found that, overall, emergency personnel, utility companies, and other responders to the quake did well and that policies to direct action where sound. Still, the report has 108 recommendations for making small improvements. Staffing more emergency managers and strengthening local response, giving higher priority to rebuilding jobs after a disaster, and promoting preparedness were among the top six suggestions.