Federal Flood Risk Management Standard Fact Sheet
Earlier this month, the Water Resources Council approved guidelines for establishing a federal flood risk management standard, which was required by executive order. This Federal Emergency Management Agency fact sheet addresses questions the agency has received about the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard, including how it will impact the National Flood Insurance Program. The recently approved guidelines and associated documents can be found on the FEMA Website.

Think tsunamis and earthquakes go hand-in-hand? Guess again. While earthquake-generated tsunamis get top billing on the awareness scale, tsunamis can also be caused by meteorological events. This page from the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program will tell you everything you want to know about how meteotsunamis form, where they’re most likely to happen, and what’s being done to forecast and issue warnings about meteotsunami events.

Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program
From Texas to Mississippi, the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program has a wealth of resources, news, webinars, and data tools to help you track extreme weather in the South Central United States. The climate hazards research program focuses on preparedness and resilience to climate-related weather extremes that include drought, hurricanes, storm surges, heat waves, wildfires, and just about any other hazards faced in the six-state region.

Emergency Management Institute Independent Study Courses
If you’re having a hard time making it to Emmitsburg, you might want to look into one of the many online courses offered by the FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute. Courses are available on numerous topics relevant to emergency managers, first responders, and anyone else interested in hazards and emergencies. College and continuing education credits are available in many instances, and like other EMI courses, they’re free!

2015 World Disaster Report
If all disasters are local, then it would make sense that local actors would be the most effective in launching a humanitarian response. Unfortunately, not all government and aid organizations make the best use of local response—that’s why this year’s World Disaster Report by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent focuses on local actors. With recommendations on how large-scale response can make better use of locals, how funding mechanisms can support those efforts, and how to better build capacity, this report looks to find balance between global response and the boots already on the ground.