Federal Support for and Involvement in State and Local Fusion Centers
Don’t let the dull title fool you, this report for the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is a scathing indictment of what the authors see as a colossal waste of Department of Homeland Security dollars. From providing “shoddy” information to violating privacy to claiming fusion centers existed where they didn’t, the report calls the entire program into question. Recommendations include improving oversight, conducting promised assessments, and strengthening the protection of civil liberties when reporting intelligence.

National Ecological Observatory Network
There’s a bright new spot to gather data on climate change, land use, and invasive species now that the National Ecological Observatory Network, or NEON, had opened its doors. The project will collect data from 60 U.S. sites and by remote sensing to better understand the impacts of human activity on the ecosystem. Many parts of the project are still evolving, including a new emphasis on citizen science.

National Health Security Preparedness Index
When it comes to assessing health preparedness, health providers need objective indicators to help create awareness and spot emerging trends. This index is an effort to fill that need. As the index is being developed, visitors are invited to stay updated, include their ideas, and keep track of events. The site also includes resources and frequently asked questions.

Dealing with Drought: How Planners Can Make a Difference
Planners interested in doing more to mitigate the effects of drought on their communities will be able to get insight from this American Planning Association Hazards Planning Research Center podcast featuring Kelly Smith and Mike Svoboda of the National Drought Mitigation Center. Among topics discussed are the 2012 drought and how planners can get involved today.

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication
This newly revised manual accompanies the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Crisis And Emergency Risk Communication training program, which uses lessons learned and best practices to assist emergency personnel in communicating risk. This edition includes new crisis information, new understandings of communication principles, and examples from recent disasters.