Virtual Operations Support Group
So, you’ve acknowledged that social media use in disasters is here to stay—that doesn’t mean you have any added resources to sift through the mounds of information generated by an emergency. That’s why you should make friends at the Virtual Operations Support Group. This website can connect you to teams that will help you figure out a social media plan before a disaster and give you virtual bodies to deal with data overload during. Visit the site for to make connections, join online teams, or just learn more about how different folks are muddling through the social media phenomenon.

Critical Facilities Flood Exposure Tool
This tool from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration can help coastal and emergency managers quickly assess which of their critical facilities—hospitals, fires stations, police stations, electric facilities, hazardous material sites, etc.—are in danger of flooding. Roads and schools are also included. Armed with the knowledge of what’s at stake when water rises, officials can plan, raise awareness, and help others be prepared.

Envision Sustainable Rating System
Envision is a rating system that attempts to gauge the community, environmental, and economic benefits of infrastructure projects. Created by Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, the rating system can be applied by all levels of government or community and nonprofit groups to ascertain whether a proposed project is right for their area. Tools include resources for cost assessments, environmental evaluations, and outcome-based objectives.

Ever find yourself wondering exactly when it was you had that last tetanus shot? Well, VaxNation can help. You can use VaxNation to track and record your immunizations for easy record keeping, stay abreast on the latest recommendations for updating vaccinations, or to find the nearest clinic when you are due. The free service, which also includes a social networking piece to improve awareness, was the winner of the Institute of Medicine and National Academy of Engineering’s Go Viral to Improve Health challenge.

Speaking of challenges, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response recently announced the winner of their Lifeline Application Challenge—bReddi, a Facebook application that keeps you connected to your friends and family during emergencies. Using the app, you can assign someone “lifeline” status so they know where to meet you, how to contact you, and what you’ll need in an emergency—and bReddi’s central hub helps you keep tabs on threats happening in the area of your friends and family.