Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected Airborne Chemicals: Volume 11
This National Research Council report establishes new guidelines for acute exposure to hazardous chemicals and is useful in responding to emergencies or remediating contamination. Each chemical in the volume has been assessed for three exposure levels (notable but reversible discomfort, long-lasting health effects, and life-threatening health impacts).

Report on the Domestic Natural Disaster Health Workforce
This report from the National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health analyzes the capability of state and local emergency healthcare providers to respond to catastrophic disasters. Topics covered include volunteer failure to respond, an aging medical workforce, development of human capital, and readiness.

Emergency Management Review
The Emergency Management Review is a new international peer-reviewed journal that aims to share knowledge and insights between emergency management practitioners and researchers. Literature reviews, best practices, and case studies will be featured. Visit the journal website to read the first issue and learn more about how to submit papers for review.

The Insurance Industry’s Incredible Disappearing Weather Catastrophe Risk
This report by the Consumer Federation of America has found that insurance companies are significantly shifting the cost of extreme weather—tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods—to consumers. By increasing deductibles and capping payouts, insurers have methodically assured that much of the cost of increasingly extreme weather is shouldered by policyholders, the report states. Subsequently, overwhelmed homeowners are forced to rely on disaster assistance, meaning taxpayers also take on a larger share of the risk.