The State of FEMA 2012
After wrapping up a record year for disaster response, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has released The State of FEMA 2012, which takes a look at where the agency is heading—but not without a look at where it’s been. There are case studies, descriptions of recent FEMA accomplishments and planning efforts, a budget review, and more on the agency’s strategic priorities, programs, and missions.

Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Shop
A wide range of disaster risk management and reduction training modules and information is now available from the African Centre for the Study of Disasters. Sponsored by USAID, the Knowledge Shop has collected a variety of tools to be used by teachers, practitioners, and public officials working to reduce risk at any level.

Japanese Tsunami Debris FAQ
Recent news reports that debris from the March 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami will wash up on the U.S. West Coast in a couple of years has everyone talking trash. A quick trip to this National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris page will let you amaze your friends with true facts and debunk the tsunami trash myths. Learn how much debris might really be out there, if they're radioactive, and a slew of other floating garbage trivia.

Guidelines for Developing Emergency Simulations and Drills
This recent guide from the Pan-American Health Organization will help organizations craft emergency drills that test disaster readiness, identify problems in execution, and better evaluate plans. Included are instructions and objectives for planning drills and simulations, resources for staying organized, and forms to help manage everything from budgets to evaluations.

Towards a Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
The UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction has just released Towards a Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which takes a look at disaster resilience efforts in the final three years of the Hyogo Framework for Action. The paper contains a background of the Framework, discussion of what type of framework will be needed after 2015, and a timeline of events for the remaining two years.