Games for Disaster Preparedness
Games are the hottest path to preparedness lately, with a bevy of offerings to help folks learn about everything from earthquake-proofing homes to managing floodplains. This initiative, by the Parsons The New School of Design’s PETLab and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, focuses on games that promote good decision making during crises. The games, both computer assisted and low tech, can go a variety of places to reach even the most vulnerable communities.

Recovery News
This American Planning Association blog features research updates, information, and podcasts on postdisaster building recovery. The newly launched blog is part of a Federal Emergency Management Agency-funded effort to replace the association’s Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction.

EMPOWER—the Emergency Management Professional Organization for Women’s Enrichment—isn’t a new resource, but one that bears revisiting. EMPOWER helps women in emergency management advance their careers with networking, mentoring and education opportunities. Visitors to the EMPOWER website will find library and career resources, social media connections, and access to events like an online webinar on community perspectives on Haiti’s recovery.

When winds whip the flames of a wildfire, responders have to plan smart to save lives and property. WindNinja can help. Developed by the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, the program can quickly use terrain information, such as elevation and dominant vegetation, to model where wildfire might spread. A new version with added features was just released, so even those already using WindNinja will want to stop by.