That Weather Show: Duel Polarization Technology
The second episode of NOAA Weather Partners’ engaging video series That Weather Show not only shows NOAA’s quirky, fun side (who knew) but also explains duel polarization to the non-meteorologist. Using a combination of nifty videography, commercial spoofs, and easy-to-understand narration, NOAA makes weather fun in a way it hasn’t been since second-grade snow days.

Global Humanitarian Assistance
Global Humanitarian Assistance is the latest in a series of websites that help users track where aid dollars go. But this polished, well-organized site doesn’t stop at the money trail. GHA offers tools to navigate the murky waters of the humanitarian aid game, whether it be delivering immediate aid in disaster or investing in long-term preparedness. With data, guides, graphs, and commentary, visitors are sure to leave the site with a better understanding of how assistance happens.

Public Response to Warnings on Mobile Devices
This book, in prepublication from National Academies Press, presents ideas from a recent National Research Council workshop on how people respond to emergency warnings, especially those received via mobile devices. The book, available free online, covers the planned Commercial Mobile Alert System, communicating during a crisis, public education and training, and communicating with at-risk populations. Research gaps and opportunities are also explored.

Malaria Atlas Project
The Malaria Atlas Project, or MAP, offers a spatial database of information linking malaria spread and climate change to aid in reducing disease transmission. In addition to a trove of data, the MAP site has animations that depict malaria's impact, publications and public engagement materials, and, well, lots of maps.

Public Safety Broadband
Having a hard time staying abreast of the complex world of public safety communications? Now you don’t need to worry, because the consultants at Corner Alliance have you covered. The company is keeping track of the many-pronged efforts to build an interoperable public safety communication network and has listed news, upcoming meetings, and FCC actions on a no-frills Wordpress blog. It just might be the simplest thing in public safety communications yet.