Prepare My Business
The U.S. Small Business Administration has teamed up with business continuity vendor Agility Recovery to offer a range of information on keeping small businesses running after a disaster. The no-nonsense site offers easy-to-access resources, advice on preparedness, and a series of webinars that will make it easy for small business owners to work continuity training into their harried schedules.

Australian Library and Information Association Disaster Recovery Project
The Australian Library and Information Association began its disaster recovery project shortly after the 2009 bushfires raged in Victoria. Originally a way to shore up the collections of affected libraries, the project has expanded to include links to disaster resources and general guidance on disaster training and recovery. Perhaps unique is the emphasis on helping libraries recover from disaster, with tips on how to salvage water- and smoke-damaged records and disaster planning templates for libraries.

First Responder Communities of Practice
This new site from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate seems akin to Facebook with a focus on emergency management and homeland security. Billed as a “vetted, professional networking” site, members need to supply proof of eligibility, including a “sponsor” to vouch for them (those working in response and homeland security fields are welcome to join with a nod from a government official). Once approved, members are invited to use a variety of technologies to collaborate on areas of interest.

FEMA’s Children’s Working Group
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has devoted a Web page to the progress of its Children’s Working Group. Visitors can learn more about the group, which is tasked with insuring that children's interests are integrated into emergency planning, and access resources on children and disasters. A working group newsletter is also available.

An Achilles Heel in Emergency Communications
This two-year study,subtitled The Deplorable Policies and Practices Pertaining to Non-English Speaking Populations, examines emergency communications to Spanish speakers in West Texas and finds both broadcast media and government agencies severely lacking in their ability to get emergency information to Latinos. An 80-person forum attended by public and private sector representatives did result in a number of recommendations to address the issue.

Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has updated its Comprehensive Preparedness Guide to emphasize emergency planning methods that engage the entire community. The guide, which reflects the trend toward more integrated, flexible, risk-based planning, will be useful to a variety of disciplines charged with assessing risk.