The November Natural Hazards Observer is now available online. This month, you'll find articles examining the issue of homelessness and disaster. Content includes:

Vulnerable Yet Resilient: Homelessness and Disaster Response in the United States. By Marc Settembrino

“Every Day is a Disaster:” Understanding the Challenges Faced by Homeless Service Organizations in Disaster Planning and Response. By Jamie Vickery

Skid Row Realizations: Planning for Homeless Individuals During Disaster. By June Gin

You’ll also find articles marking the fifth anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake and all the book reviews, grant notices, and other great content you’ve come to expect. Explore your copy of the Natural Hazards Observer now.

Don’t forget, you can get the Observer in print! A year's subscription to the print edition is $30. Those interested in subscribing can sign up on our subscription page using a credit card, or be invoiced later.