The Natural Hazards Center welcomes Jolie Breeden and Dan Whipple to the Center staff.

Jolie joined the staff in May as Program Associate. In that position, she compiles and edits the Disaster Research e-newsletter, manages the Center website, assists in the coordination of special projects and publications, and manages the Quick Response Research Program. Jolie graduated summa cum laude from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. Before joining the Natural Hazards Center, she was as a reporter for various Front Range newspapers, including the Broomfield Enterprise, the Longmont Daily Times-Call, the Boulder Daily Camera and the Rocky Mountain News. She has also administered news websites for Clear Channel Denver.

Jolie is interested in how people use the Internet and Web communication to create authentic social groups outside real-time interactions and how these groups function in opposition to hegemonic institutions.

Dan Whipple joined the staff in May 2008, as the Observer editor. Dan will compile and edit the Natural Hazards Observer newsletter and assist with coordination of special projects and publications. Dan has been a writer and journalist for more than 30 years, specializing primarily in science and environmental issues. He served as editor of High Country News and Northern Lights and held several editorial positions at the daily Casper Star-Tribune in Wyoming.

Dan holds a bachelor’s degree in international affairs from Georgetown University and was a Ted Scripps Fellow in Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado during the 1997-98 academic year.