The Natural Hazards Center staff is thrilled to once again have the opportunity to welcome researchers, practitioners, and policy makers from across the United States and around the world to Colorado for our annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop.
Gilbert White—the founding director of the Natural Hazards Center—convened the first Workshop in 1975 at his ranch in Sunshine Canyon outside of Boulder. The Workshop has always been designed to encourage maximum interaction among participants to enhance the transfer of knowledge and experiences across the different disciplines and sectors of the hazards and disaster community. The structure of the entire Workshop is designed to encourage conversation and recognizes that every participant has important information and experiences to share.
The 2017 Natural Hazards Workshop has been organized around the theme Knowledge to Action: Reducing Hazards Losses and Promoting Disaster Resilience. Sessions and speakers will focus on a variety of topics that will help us to understand how we can best work together as a community of practice to move evidence-based approaches into households, businesses, schools, communities, and everywhere that policy is made and implemented.
Nearly 500 people have registered for the Workshop thus far. If you are not able to attend, please know that future issues of DR—Disaster Research News You Can Use will focus on key highlights from the Workshop.
Hoping that wherever you are, you are having a good summer and continuing toward building more just and resilient communities.