Start Building Your Disaster Recovery Plan Today!
November 15, 2016, 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST
Small Business Association and Agility Recovery
Cost and Access: Free, register online before event
This webinar will provide simple solutions for building business resilience by creating a disaster recovery plan. With an emphasis on realizing risk to daily operations, experts will discuss how businesses can create a plan minimal commitment of time and resources.
Video Lecture Series
Socio-Environmental Immersion Program Lectures
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
Cost and Access: Free, available for download
This lecture series is the product of Socio-Environmental Immersion Program workshops. Each lecture provides an overview of a discipline; covers its history, foundational theories, and methods; and describes linkages of the overall discipline to socio-environmental issues and research. Topics include environmental history, change in socio-environmental systems, anthropology, sociology, economics, and ecology.