Budget tight? You still have time to try and rustle up a free registration (and possibly more) for this summer’s Natural Hazards Workshop by winning one of our three competitions—the Mary Fran Myers Scholarship, the Mary Fran Myers Award, and the Student Paper Competition.

The Mary Fran Myers Scholarship recognizes individuals who share the former Natural Hazards Center co-director’s commitment to disaster research and practice and have the potential to make a lasting contribution to reducing disaster vulnerability. Scholarship recipients will receive financial assistance to attend the Workshop, including transportation, meals, and registration. The deadline for applications is March 26.

The Mary Fran Myers Award recognizes individuals who have added to gender and disaster knowledge or furthered opportunities for women to succeed in the field. Winners receive free registration and will be acknowledged at the Workshop. The deadline for nominations is April 16.

The Student Paper Competition allows undergraduate and graduate research papers to net two lucky students $100 and free entry into the Workshop. Papers may present current research, literature reviews, theoretical arguments, or case studies on social or behavioral aspects of hazards or disasters. The deadline for entry submission is April 30.